Grow Your Faith​
Grow Your Faith​
Covenant Builders Ministries is designed to help provide understanding and encouragement on your road to spiritual maturity. You will find this as a place of great fellowship, supportive families and training for your godly future while developing your faith.

Joshua Generation
Joshua Generation
A Place Where kids can learn and about God on their level, and where a kid can be a kid.
Click link for more information

Chosen Generation Young Adult Ministry
Chosen Generation Young Adult Ministry
The desire to inspire young adults to pursue a life of sanctification and holiness through stimulating fellowship, events, and resources
Click link for more information

Marriage Ministry
Marriage Ministry
Join our Marriage Ministry, Covenant Builders believe in the unity of Marriage. Because God predestine marriage from the beginning,
Get connected with other marriages that is striving to live a full-life!

Singles Ministry
Singles Ministry
S.W.A.G's purpose is to teach unmarried believers how to be complete in God. This is a ministry that is design to motivate singles to achieve their Goals in God & get a personal relationship with God...Also, to form relationships with other believers, that are single.
Click link below for more information

Women of Excellence Ministry
Women of Excellence Ministry
The purpose of the Women’s Ministry is to develop strong women of God empowering them to Live Better, Love Better, Serve Better and Give Better; positioning them to make a greater World Impact.
Join us every month at 10AM, on the 2nd Saturday of the month!

Men Perfecting Men Ministry
Men Perfecting Men Ministry
The purpose of the Men’s Ministry (Men Perfecting Men) is to develop strong men of God empowering them to Live Better, Love Better, Serve Better and Give Better; positioning them to make a greater World Impact.